PLOS/GENETICS - research article
December 2015
Combined Genetic and Genealogic Studies Uncover A Large BAP 1 Cancer Syndrome Kindred Tracing Back Nine Generations to a Common Ancestor from the 1700's.
Genealogical Studies:
A professional genealogist (H.H.) investigated the common ancestors of the four MM patients
carrying germline BAPI deletion c. 1717_1717delC. Data were obtained from,
historical census, birth, death certificates and hospitals.

In 2011 "Hart" found her grandfather's book, Collected Writings, at the Yiddish Book Center in Amherst, Massachusetts. Gezamelte Shriften, published entirely in Yiddish in 1919, has now been translated into English and presented in a bilingual edition. Collected Writings turned out to be a remarkable collection of poetry, essays and stories, not only about the author, Joseph J. Goodman, but also about the Canadian Jewish immigrant experience. Realizing a treasure had been discovered that would give his descendnts an incredible opportunity to know their ancestor, she has researched and written an extensive chronology about Goodman's life, a biography of his Russian years, information about people and places mentioned in the text, the growth of the Canadian Jewish community, and the Yiddish language. Hart Hoffman's work is a model of how to prepare and publish literary works discovered during genealogical research.
Collected Writings can be ordered on (to find: use both title and author name, i.e. Collected Writings Joseph J. Goodman)